Carta aberta de uma mãe

Open letter from a mother

Posted by Marketing Rowa on

I remember since I was a little girl that my dream was always to be a mother...

I remember that, when asked, I said that I would have my first child at 24 years old. I don't know why, but I thought that age was beautiful.

Looking through my ancestors, who allow me to be, exist and resist, I have always heard stories of my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. And they weren't always beautiful and exciting stories.

My great-grandmother died in childbirth leaving 7 orphaned children. And so, her sister-in-law, my adopted great-grandson with her stunning emerald blue eyes that I will never forget, took care of her 7 children. A painful and also very beautiful story that marked my life.

My family comes from warrior and potent women that I honor a lot.

Mom always told me about her pregnancies. She had 3 and unfortunately ended up losing her first child. Mom says he was born, but as he was very premature, he didn't resist. I find myself thinking about the pain they all went through. In resilience , in overcoming , in the love, affection and faith they carry with them.

Because being a mother is an infinity of unique experiences. It's for you to transform yourself every day, it's to discover the purest and most unconditional love in the world. It's feeling your heart out of your chest, it's losing your nights sleep and crying hidden and short, while no one is watching. It's giving up things you 've always liked to do for something you love even more.

It's looking in the mirror and not recognizing yourself. It's praying on your knees, it's developing patience more every day. It's forgiving and understanding your weaknesses, but it's also being a stronger woman. In fact, it's finding a strength that comes from within and you didn't even imagine it existed.

It's feeling the pleasure and power of generating a life inside your body.

It's the sacred that inhabits us, it's feeling an emotion every time you go on the ultrasound that makes your heart beat faster and feel that tear run down your eyes thinking about what your little baby's face will be like. It's accompanying every moment of motherhood thinking about what size fruit it is at that moment, whether it's a grape, melon, pear or watermelon.

Being a mother is giving birth and realizing what you are capable of bringing a daughter into the world. And feel the deepest connection while breastfeeding and think: “how beautiful it is for my baby to feed only with what comes from my body”. It is the emotion of the first bath, the first steps, the first word, the first trip, the first contact with the sea.

Being a mother means being reborn and seeing absolutely everything with the eyes of a child, it's seeing everything around you transform and the house become messier because your home is complete and happy.

Being a mother is never being alone again. It's about taking care of everything with your super powers. And in the end, see what we women are capable of. It's about being divine portals that generate lives.

Being a mother is knowing that all women before and after me can identify with the same experience I'm living now. And that's a mystery without size, which I can't stop thanking.

I dedicate it to you, Great Heroines.

I dedicate it to you, Moms.

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