Adicione doses de Vitamina C na sua rotina

Add doses of Vitamin C to your routine

Posted by Marketing Rowa on

Vitamin C is a great ally for your look, skin, health and mood! Today we came to show you the benefits of adding a few doses to your routine. Check it out:

Vitamin C in the look
Orange is the color that has the power to lift your spirits and any look. Energy and joy are the feelings that are linked to color, making it almost become a state of mind... Wear orange and its combination starts to squander good energies.

One of the main characteristics of the tonality is that of lighting up the look, making the composition automatically become stylish and full of personality.

The color allows several forms of use, even having the characteristic of being striking. You can bet on an all orange look or harmonize with other colors. It is worth combining it with white, leaving the composition with a more basic face, or with blue, creating a powerful and harmonic color blocking.

Vitamin C in skin care

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant for skin health. Its action provides protection against external aggressions, fights free radicals and helps prevent premature aging. This care results in more beautiful and vibrant skin. In addition, Vitamin C helps to lighten spots, evening out skin tone.

The best time to apply it is in the morning, before using sunscreen. Using the active in this way is important to enhance the effects of the solar filter, avoiding the damage caused by UV rays. There are a multitude of products on the market with the active ingredient in their formulation, but be sure to consult your dermatologist to choose the best option for your skin.

We know that Vitamin C is an important ally for your skincare routine, but to maximize its benefits it is necessary to consume it through foods such as: orange, tangerine, lemon, spinach and watercress. In addition to being good for the skin, a diet with Vitamin C helps fight infections, strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance against various diseases.

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