Guia de looks para festivais

Festival outfit guide

Posted by Marketing Rowa on

One thing is fact: festivals have returned with everything after mass vaccination against the coronavirus. The second semester is bursting with options, with Rock in Rio, Planeta Brasil, Coala, Popload and other important events for the scene. If you are a fan of music or a good event, you must have a festival on your radar.

With the dates of the events approaching, comes the classic question: what clothes to wear? After all, it's an occasion that calls for a good look, but this composition involves a certain degree of complexity, because in addition to being beautiful, clothes need to be comfortable, functional and give you a minimum of resources to face the complexities that events demand, such as: the possibility of cold, rain, space to store essential items... All this giving the necessary autonomy to enjoy hours of presentations standing up and in a crowded environment.

Putting together festival looks isn't difficult for Rowa. Our pieces are naturally comfortable, functional and stylish. For the festival mission, we asked for help from the hottest accessories of the moment, providing complete and perfect looks for you. Check it out:

The all black classic

Comfort combined with style

The Trevo Jacket is the jacket that turns into a fanny pack and the great triumph in festival looks! It is the most discreet way to take a cold blouse and you get free space to carry your belongings. In addition, it is a joker piece and goes very well with different types of looks.

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