Novos começos, infinitas possibilidades... | ROWA STORE

New beginnings, endless possibilities...

Posted by Marketing Rowa on

We love viewing each collection as a new chapter. Each launch helps us tell a story, where much is transformed, but much is also maintained... Our drops give us the possibility to improve, challenge ourselves and get closer and closer to the women we want to connect with. For this reason, we share below, a text-manifesto that sets the tone of Drop #1 and will serve as a kind of guiding thread... Follow along:

Being human and, at the same time, connected. Aggregator, always looking for new ways to guarantee our self-care... We have to leave behind this idea that the more tortuous and difficult the path, the greater the reward. Lightness, fluidity and movement need to be increasingly inserted in our daily lives.

The challenge is not, nor should it be, a resistance test, but a summary of our personal ambitions, desires and desires, after all, challenging yourself is, above all, an exercise in self-knowledge. Instead of being always out of breath, we look for ways to gain breath to go further, in the most diverse senses.

Being active to choose what makes us feel good, always keeping in mind that it is precisely in today that we build our tomorrow.

Having this starting point, we thought about which wardrobe should accompany us and the answer came clearly: smart, utilitarian and functional. Clothes that, like our personality, are transformed according to each commitment, without neglecting their essence, which is naturally feminine.

The aim is to support ourselves, our lifestyle and, above all, what we believe in. After all, every beginning presents us with countless new possibilities.

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