Drop #1: conheça os dois lados de uma mesma peça | ROWA STORE

Drop #1: get to know both sides of the same piece

Posted by Marketing Rowa on

How many activities can be part of a woman's routine? Gym, work, study, beach tennis, yoga, meeting friends, date with partner, family lunch, self-care moments, trips to the salon and other tasks to be accomplished in a short period.

Wanda Grandi and Romana Novais, founders of Rowa, live this hectic routine and wanted pieces to go with them, without leaving aside comfort and, of course, style… That is why the duo focused on creating strategic pieces that could transit through all these occasions and from there came the starting point to developDrop #1: New Beginnings, Infinite Possibilities .

Among the numerous creative paths found by the style team: giving some pieces of the collection two ways of use, thus creating products that adapt and reveal Rowa's multifunctional DNA. Check out some of our transformations:

Clover Jacket 2 in 1 Nylon Pouch.

Kite cropped hooded blouse with detachable Nylon sleeves.

Prisma high collar jacket with removable sleeves in technological mesh.

In addition to practicality, the products bring the aesthetic look of our founders. They participated in the choice of each trim, focused on the research, as well as on the choice of fabrics to add style and sophistication to comfortable and, above all, functional pieces. Did you like it?

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