Novas possibilidades, infinitos começos

New possibilities, infinite beginnings

Posted by Marketing Rowa on

Rowa's Drop #2 has just been released and in addition to stylish pieces, it brings reflections on women's journeys. We live in a culture where EVERYTHING needs to be conquered in the LAST possible time, adding overload to each one's path. Follow the manifesto that reflects precisely on this:

To continue, most of the time we need a good dose of perseverance, resilience and self-care... to be true to ourselves, to what we believe in and, above all, to what we want to perpetuate.​
Moving forward, without leaving aside our essence, our values, our beliefs. Lightness comes from different places, resulting in sincere smiles, exchanges, experiences, real dialogues.​

Impacted by so many internal and external demands, we have to reinterpret our notion of winning... it has nothing to do with being in first place in the shortest possible time, but drawing our wills calmly, without fear of slowing down. Aligning the biological clock with our personal calendar... ​

"The time it takes us to go is not always the time it takes us to arrive", says a saying. The important thing is to keep your eyes open for the subtleties: the gradient of the sky, the skin warmed by the sun, the breeze... small rituals that take us out of the ordinary and show us how every day can indeed present us with new and infinite possibilities. beginnings!

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