Orgasmo: o prazer de segundos que faz muito pela saúde!

Orgasm: the pleasure of seconds that does a lot for health!

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On July 31st, orgasm day is celebrated! Physiologically speaking, it is the result of involuntary contractions of the muscles of the vagina. The feeling of euphoria happens at the height of pleasure during the sexual act or masturbation and is accompanied by signs in the body such as increased heart rate and breathing.

We heard Dr. Erica Mantelli , gynecologist, obstetrician, specialist in sexual health and according to her, orgasm is an important pillar of our health, as well as the physical, emotional and nutritional aspects.

The doctor pointed to a study published in Socio Affect Neurosci Psychol in 2016 that estimated that female orgasm lasts about 20 to 35 seconds. To arrive at this data, 2,049 women aged between 18 and 70 years were analyzed.

The scientists involved in the study monitored the women's brain activity during orgasm. Areas such as the prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, insula, cingulate gyrus and cerebellum were shown to be highly stimulated. These brain regions are involved in various ways in processing emotions and pain sensations, as well as in regulating some metabolic processes and making decisions.
During pleasurable sex and orgasm, the hypothalamus releases more oxytocin, the pleasure hormone. This causes that feeling of relaxation after the sexual act, reducing stress.

“In general, practically all women can reach orgasm, needing the appropriate stimulation. Unfortunately sexual dysfunctions are very common and can be present in almost 50% of women! And it doesn't stop there, many women out of fear, taboos, shame and lack of information end up living their sex life in an unsatisfactory way, with low libido, pain in the relationship, lack of lubrication and difficulty reaching orgasm,” says dr. Erica.

The gynecologist points out that the easiest way to reach a female orgasm is through stimulation of the clitoris, where there are more than 8 thousand nerve endings and when well stimulated, it gives the woman a lot of pleasure. Therefore, in many cases masturbation and oral sex can be the best allies of pleasure.

Anyone who thinks that clitoral stimulation is the only agent for feeling pleasure is wrong. “Female sexuality is governed by countless other factors, whether physical, hormonal or mental,” says the sexual health specialist.

“A tip I give to women who have never had an orgasm is to get to know your body better. Explore, understand the rhythm, places and types of touch that gives you pleasure. Thus, when having a sexual relationship, you can guide your partner in the best way so that you can experience this moment. The orgasm is the result of a relationship in which there must be an exchange of affection, foreplay and a lot of respect. After all, sex is only good when it's good for both!"

Dr.'s tips. Erica Mantelli are super valid for all women: those who have never had an orgasm, those who are unsure if they managed to reach it and even for those looking to improve their sex life. Everything seems very “simple”, but we know that, in practice, it is not and everyone knows what hinders their sex life. So how about doing the exercise of connecting with your intimacy?

At that time, anything goes! Put on ambient music, turn off the lights, use lubricants (always water-based), vibrators... Everyone has their own way of getting excited and you'll find yours.

If you still have difficulties reaching the peak of pleasure, don't worry, as most sexual dysfunctions can be treated! Seek expert medical help to receive proper guidance.

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