Aprenda preparar os drinks favoritos das nossas fundadoras

Learn how to prepare our founders' favorite drinks

Posted by Marketing Rowa on

The weekend has arrived, after an intense week of work and with it that desire to relax and get out of the routine. Having a drink is a good option to de-stress.

Refreshing, they can bring a special flavor to your day, in addition to being a great company for a date with yourself, wrapping up a special moment with your loved one or being the companion for several laughs with friends. How about being a bartender this weekend?

Rest assured that we will teach you the step by step of wonderful drinks. To give you a tip on quality, we turned to our founders, Romana Novais and Wanda Grandi, lovers of good food, to suggest two delicious options.

Caipisaquê de jabuticaba - Indication of Romana Novais

Source: Pinterest

Caipirinha is a symbol of Brazilianness, full of freshness and flavor. In Romana's version, the traditional cachaça, the base of the drink, is replaced by sake, a fermented drink that is part of Japanese culture. Despite the change in the base distillate of the caipirinha, the drink still has a taste of Brazil thanks to the use of jabuticaba.

5 units of jabuticaba;
50 ml of sake (1 serving);
Sugar to taste.

Method of preparation:
1° Place the jabuticabas and sugar in a cocktail shaker and crush;
2° Add the ice and sake, close the shaker and shake well;
3° Done that, just serve the caipirinha in a glass.

Moscow mule - Indicated by Wanda Grandi

Source: Pinterest

This is a famous drink worldwide based on vodka, ginger and lemon! For every place he goes he gets a version. Learn how to make the Brazilian version.

50 ml of vodka (1 shot);
20 ml of lemon juice;
20 ml of sugar syrup;
Ginger foam.

Method of preparation:
1° Place the ingredients (minus the foam) in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake well;
2° Strain the drink into a copper mug with ice;
3° Finish with the gingerbread foam.

Now that you know how to make the drinks, just press play at the end of the week.  Here there are some perfect playlists to involve this moment.

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