Body: a peça queridinha de gerações

Body: the darling piece of generations

Posted by Marketing Rowa on

The bodysuit is super high and one of the reasons for its success is the practicality added to the look. Even winning many hearts, there are those who wonder how to insert the piece into their routine. The bodysuit is closely associated with fitness environments and at times evokes a more summery vibe due to the identical design of swimsuits.

The success of bodysuits took place in the 1980s when actress (and one of the first fitness muses) Jane Fonda starred in VHS doing aerobic exercises. The look used by Jane on the tapes had the body as the main piece.

These days, bodysuits have gone beyond the limits of fitness and have become a darling of fashionistas. In fact, the high point of the piece is precisely the possibility of using the same piece on different occasions. You can wear the bodysuit with jeans, shorts, a skirt, pantaloons, pantacourt, with a third piece or alone.

Rowa has the Body Cone that shows the materialization of this in practice: the perfect piece to move from a fashion to fitness environment with the same look. Know the benefits of the piece:

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