9 itens essenciais para levar na sua bolsa | ROWA STORE

9 essential items to carry in your bag

Posted by Marketing Rowa on

The hectic routine calls for good organization, after all, there are many tasks to be carried out in a short period. When things are not in place, delays, worries and detours can happen.

Who can be a great facilitator of this process is the bag, which in addition to being functional, is a stylish accessory. Carrying strategic items can comfort life, after all, the accessory accompanies you all day and putting good planning into it makes you ready to face the adversities of everyday life.

Seems like a simple matter, right? At first, we only think about putting basic items such as keys, cell phone, cell phone charger, wallet with documents, money, cards and accessories inside the bag that, if forgotten, will prevent the performance of a task. Routine is not just about these moments. You feel thirsty, you may feel pain, touch a dirty surface... And having the items that solve these problems at hand are extremely important, after all, these are situations that do not happen all the time, but when they appear, they need to be resolved quickly.

A Rowa's Purse is the perfect partner for your routine. It is spacious, with pockets and partitions to organize your products.

How about using all these benefits to your advantage, adding products that will do everything for your routine? Check out some items:

  1. Hand and lip moisturizer;
  2. Alcohol gel;
  3. Absorbent;
  4. Tissue;
  5. Remedy for colic and headache;
  6. Brush + toothpaste;
  7. Basic makeup kit + comb;
  8. Gumballs and chewing gum;
  9. Umbrella;
  10. Bottle of water.

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  • Amei as dicas estava precisando pesquisar mlr sobre esse assunto e me ajudou mt mt obg recomendo !!

    Hellen harue on
  • Legal!!!

    Riley Andersen on
  • Amei as dicas 💗

    Ana Laysa Pessoa on
  • Amei as dicas, me ajudaram muito
    E leticia eu não queria saber que vc não gostou
    Eu ameiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    Eloá on
  • Faltou alguns itens e também não tem para bolsas pequenas mas eu gostei eu sou uma pessoa baixa então não gostei da bolsa grande mas é uma postagem muito boa

    Mariana on
  • Eu odiei

    Sofia on
  • Super necessário, faltou alguns itens que poderia ser de dicas como acessório pra cabelo( presilha rabicó , piranha) .
    Uma joia quando sair correndo, um par de brinco uma pulseira.

    Nayla on
  • Eu odiei

    Letícia on
  • Amei as dicas

    Amanda Oliveira on
  • Adorei as dicas e já quero essa bolsa linda!

    Giovanna Latorre on

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