Yoga: como começar a praticar? | ROWA STORE

Yoga: how to start practicing?

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The hectic routine can cause anxiety, stress, body aches, indisposition and other feelings that get in the way of a good quality of life. According to yoga teacher Raphaela Fera, this happens because people tend to focus too much on their goals, forgetting themselves. “It's very easy for us to get distracted by our occupations, so we need to take a break to be careful with our being. We can't forget to align the inside with the outside, take care of what's inside, our being, our health and essence so that we reverberate better in the exchange with each other,” he explains.

Yoga is the philosophy of life that has helped its adherents to find a balance in their lives. The millennial practice works with posture, breathing and meditation exercises, which bring harmony to the body and mind in harmony.

Wanda Grandi, one of our founders, practices yoga and says that her experience during classes inspired the creation of our brand. “Rowa came with me practicing yoga and doing meditations with Rapha. During the classes I felt a sign inside my heart, that I wanted a brand that wasn't just about practicing physical activity, but having that look of self-care, making you feel happy and empowered. I teamed up with Ro and we carried that through our clothing," he says.

If you think that doing yoga requires a lot of preparation, know that this is not true! ”You can do it anywhere in your house, on the mat or in bed. It is necessary to be in a space that fits you sitting and that you can stretch a little. Ah, you can also put a pillow under your butt to feel more comfortable,” says teacher Rapha Fera. We have more tips to help you in this process, check it out:

  1. Constancy
    Set aside time (day and time) from your routine to practice! It may seem difficult at first, but creating this habit is important to make the ritual part of your routine.
  2. Calm place
    This is your moment, the time you connect with yourself! So the less hustle, noise and distraction the better. Thus your concentration increases.
  3. comfortable looks
    It sounds cliche, but it's not! Wear clothes that leave you free to move around So no tight pieces or that cause you any trouble. Rowa da Rowa pieces are recommended for practicing Yoga, and our community loves to post #MeuMomentoRowa during practice.
  4. breaths and positions
    Want to learn more about Yoga? Watch the live we did on our Instagram with Rapha Fera and Wanda Grandi. The two showed tips for beginners and for those who already have mastery of the practice.

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