Aposte nas cores certas e tenha um armário funcional | ROWA STORE

Bet on the right colors and have a functional closet

Posted by Marketing Rowa on

Have you ever had that feeling of not finding the ideal look, even with a wardrobe full of pieces?

If your answer is yes, know that you are not alone. This question is part of many people's everyday life and it's super natural, after all, no one is a fashion expert.

A tip to get around the difficulty in creating the compositions is to bet on clothes with colors that match each other, but that escape the obvious, so that the style is the protagonist of your productions. Rowa's Drop #1 color palette is a great example to understand this. Check it out:

1 - Neutral colors
The classic black and white is a good choice and the basis of a versatile closet. They match different types of colors, in addition to being very elegant and personality when used alone, in monochrome looks.

2 - Vibrant colors

Prioritize two colors when investing in pieces. It is important that they combine with each other to optimize your productions. Cobalt Blue and Citrus Orange are the colors that Rowa opted for.

This behavior facilitates the construction of looks! You can, for example, create with the same pieces, a monochromatic production, another color blocking (which mixes contrasting colored colors), bet only on neutral colors or create a mix. How about putting the tip into practice? Access and see pieces to add to your routine.

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