Potencialize seus treinos com Panqueca fit de Banana

Boost your workouts with Fit Banana Panqueca

Posted by Marketing Rowa on

In winter, maintaining the motivation to train can be challenging. However, choosing the right look makes all the difference and nothing beats the vibrant and energizing impact of Laranja da Rowa, which is ideal for boosting your workouts and excelling in the gym.

Isa wears: Self-love biker shorts with EMANA® pockets and EMANA® two-in-one Freedom Top - Orange Citrus 🍊

In addition to the look, hitting the pre-workout brings extra motivation for the colder days, so take the opportunity to try our delicious banana pancake recipe. Get ready to train in style and enjoy a delicious meal! Check out the ingredients for the banana pancake:

- 50g of oats
- 1/2 banana
- 1/2 scoop of protein
- 150 ml of milk
- 1 teaspoon of yeast
- Cinnamon and sweetener to taste

Combine the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mass. Then heat a greased skillet over medium/low heat and pour small portions of the dough to form pancake discs. When the dough begins to form balls, flip the pancake and cook for about 1 minute. Ready to serve! 🍽

For an irresistible touch, try adding a delicious topping of cashew nut paste with salted caramel flavored white chocolate, from @vitanuts . This combination will provide a unique dining experience. Enjoy every bite! 🤸🏼‍♀️🍌

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